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IV.E. Organizational Leadership
  1. Describes the working relationships within the school district’s organizational-chart including external partnerships.

  2. Demonstrates knowledge of functional relationships in the organizational chart to systemic functions.

  3. Identifies the role of their certification area within the organization to include responsibilities, relationships, constraints, opportunities and resources.

  4. Identifies a problem within the scope of their certification area and creates a visionary action plan, consistent with the organization and sensitive to the change process; including resolution of conflicts, communication, collaboration, needs assessment and advocacy


Reflection: Through the creation of the collaborative technology plan, I furthered my knowledge about the relationships between stakeholders and schools and school district organizational charts. Additionally through my attendance at a Seneca Valley School District board meeting, I learned about school district organization and relationships. The creation of vision statements can also be applied outside of technology implementation, and I helped my group conduct research on various vision statements to facilitate our discussions. The vision statement of the collaborative technology plan can be located on page 4.  My group members and I worked hard to create an attainable mission and vision statement for our school district.


Rating: Exceeds expectation



  • The collaborative technology plan can be located here, and my summary of the school board meeting can be found here.

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